natural disasters Crossword Puzzles
natural disasters 2017-02-14
- Earthquakes, landslides and avalances are ... natural disasters.
- ... are uncontrolled forest fires.
- Tsunamis can be caused by undersea ...
- According to their ... of onset disasters can be sudden and slow.
- Deforestation and desertification are ... natural disasters.
- Drought, famine, deforestation are ... natural disasters.
- Earthquakes and landslides are ... natural disasters.
- ... disasters are caused by destructive natural events.
- ... disasters are caused by human actions.
- According to their ... disasters are divided into natural, man-made and complex.
- Disasters cause loss of life and property ...
- Floods, tornadoes, hurricanes are ... natural disasters.
- Natural disasters ... occur in the world.
- Disaster is an event causing ... human, material and environmental losses.
14 Clues: ... are uncontrolled forest fires. • Tsunamis can be caused by undersea ... • Natural disasters ... occur in the world. • ... disasters are caused by human actions. • Disasters cause loss of life and property ... • Earthquakes and landslides are ... natural disasters. • ... disasters are caused by destructive natural events. • ...
natural disasters 2017-02-14
- Disaster is an event causing ... human, material and environmental losses.
- Floods, tornadoes, hurricanes are ... natural disasters.
- According to their ... disasters are divided into natural, man-made and complex.
- Disasters cause loss of life and property ...
- ... disasters are caused by human actions.
- Earthquakes and landslides are ... natural disasters.
- Deforestation and desertification are ... natural disasters.
- Earthquakes, landslides and avalances are ... natural disasters.
- Drought, famine, deforestation are ... natural disasters.
- ... are uncontrolled forest fires.
- Tsunamis can be caused by undersea ...
- ... disasters are caused by destructive natural events.
- According to their ... of onset disasters can be sudden and slow.
- Natural disasters ... occur in the world.
14 Clues: ... are uncontrolled forest fires. • Tsunamis can be caused by undersea ... • Natural disasters ... occur in the world. • ... disasters are caused by human actions. • Disasters cause loss of life and property ... • Earthquakes and landslides are ... natural disasters. • ... disasters are caused by destructive natural events. • ...
natural disasters 2017-02-14
- Earthquakes and landslides are ... natural disasters.
- Natural disasters ... occur in the world.
- Floods, tornadoes, hurricanes are ... natural disasters.
- Deforestation and desertification are ... natural disasters.
- ... disasters are caused by destructive natural events.
- ... are uncontrolled forest fires.
- Tsunamis can be caused by undersea ...
- Disasters cause loss of life and property ...
- According to their ... disasters are divided into natural, man-made and complex.
- Earthquakes, landslides and avalances are ... natural disasters.
- Drought, famine, deforestation are ... natural disasters.
- ... disasters are caused by human actions.
- Disaster is an event causing ... human, material and environmental losses.
- According to their ... of onset disasters can be sudden and slow.
14 Clues: ... are uncontrolled forest fires. • Tsunamis can be caused by undersea ... • Natural disasters ... occur in the world. • ... disasters are caused by human actions. • Disasters cause loss of life and property ... • Earthquakes and landslides are ... natural disasters. • ... disasters are caused by destructive natural events. • ...
natural disasters 2017-02-14
- Earthquakes and landslides are ... natural disasters.
- ... disasters are caused by human actions.
- According to their ... of onset disasters can be sudden and slow.
- Earthquakes, landslides and avalances are ... natural disasters.
- Drought, famine, deforestation are ... natural disasters.
- ... are uncontrolled forest fires.
- Tsunamis can be caused by undersea ...
- Natural disasters ... occur in the world.
- ... disasters are caused by destructive natural events.
- Floods, tornadoes, hurricanes are ... natural disasters.
- Disaster is an event causing ... human, material and environmental losses.
- Disasters cause loss of life and property ...
- Deforestation and desertification are ... natural disasters.
- According to their ... disasters are divided into natural, man-made and complex.
14 Clues: ... are uncontrolled forest fires. • Tsunamis can be caused by undersea ... • Natural disasters ... occur in the world. • ... disasters are caused by human actions. • Disasters cause loss of life and property ... • Earthquakes and landslides are ... natural disasters. • ... disasters are caused by destructive natural events. • ...
Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters 2023-04-21
- natural disaster when 2 tectonic plates slide past each other
- disasters that are caused by humans
- when people try to lessen the damage of a disaster it is called ______
- anthropogenic disasters can be ________
- true or false: droughts are caused by humans
- anthropogenic disaster caused by oil
- a temporary covering of water over normally dry land, often caused by heavy rainfall or overflowing river
- a disaster that is much worse in dry and windy areas
- natural disasters cannot be
- both disasters cost _______
- both disasters cause damage to the
- true or false: humans cause anythropogenic disasters
- these cause massive amounts of rain and wind
- _______ can be issued for natural disasters
- tsunamis are a type of ______ disaster
- natural disasters ________ cause loss of life
- wildfires can be a natural _____ anthropogenic disaster
- _______ cause lava to spew out of the earth
- disasters that would still happen if humans didn't exsist
19 Clues: natural disasters cannot be • both disasters cost _______ • both disasters cause damage to the • disasters that are caused by humans • anthropogenic disaster caused by oil • tsunamis are a type of ______ disaster • anthropogenic disasters can be ________ • _______ can be issued for natural disasters • _______ cause lava to spew out of the earth • ...
How do Natural Disasters impact Human Services? 2021-11-30
- a cloud based video conferencing tool that lets you host virtual one on one or team meetings
- crisis-centered aid accessed by phone or computer
- discussed effects of homelessness during natural disasters
- discussed affects of paranoia during natural disasters
- (non-governmental organization) that provides disaster relief and medical treatment--3 words
- condition of suffering from a mental illness and comorbid substance use disorder--2 words
- COVID-19 recently included in this list of wide-spread, destructive winter storms, floods, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes--2 words
- not having a dwelling place or shelter
- excessive concern that harm will occur due to deliberate actions of others
- primary central intake for all adults and children needing mental health services for people living in Sacramento--2 words
- this occurs when nurses are overworked and become apathetic to patients
- discussed effects of domestic violence during natural disasters
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- manages case workers--2 words
- a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger
- discussed how human services help during and after natural disasters
- discussed effects of mental health during natural disasters
17 Clues: manages case workers--2 words • Federal Emergency Management Agency • not having a dwelling place or shelter • crisis-centered aid accessed by phone or computer • discussed affects of paranoia during natural disasters • discussed effects of homelessness during natural disasters • discussed effects of mental health during natural disasters • ...
How do Natural Disasters impact Human Services? 2021-11-30
- a cloud based video conferencing tool that lets you host virtual one on one or team meetings
- crisis-centered aid accessed by phone or computer
- who discussed effects of homelessness during natural disasters
- who discussed affects of paranoia during natural disasters
- (non-governmental organization) that provides disaster relief and medical treatment--3 words
- condition of suffering from a mental illness and comorbid substance use disorder--2 words
- COVID-19 recently included in this list of wide-spread, destructive winter storms, floods, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes--2 words
- not having a dwelling place or shelter
- excessive concern that harm will occur due to deliberate actions of others
- primary central intake for all adults and children needing mental health services for people living in Sacramento--2 words
- this occurs when nurses are overworked and become apathetic to patients
- who discussed effects of domestic violence during natural disasters
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- manages case workers--2 words
- a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger
- who discussed how human services help during and after natural disasters
- who discussed effects of mental health during natural disasters
17 Clues: manages case workers--2 words • Federal Emergency Management Agency • not having a dwelling place or shelter • crisis-centered aid accessed by phone or computer • who discussed affects of paranoia during natural disasters • who discussed effects of homelessness during natural disasters • a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger • ...
Natural Disasters 2018-05-10
- a snow blowout
- storms with a rumbling sound and rain
- extreme heat
- eruptions lava spittings out of a large mountain with an openning full of red hot magma.
- spinning funnel
- contagious diseases
- icy storms
- land breaks
- a flash of electricity
- big wholes in Earth
- a tropical storm
- a water tornado
- a mature cyclone
- a dangerous natural movement
- diseases bacteria from nature
- a tornado underwater.
- Storms a dust avalanche
- a gigantic rippled wave
- natural fires
- a violent windy flood
20 Clues: icy storms • land breaks • extreme heat • natural fires • a snow blowout • a water tornado • spinning funnel • a mature cyclone • a tropical storm • contagious diseases • big wholes in Earth • a violent windy flood • a tornado underwater. • a flash of electricity • Storms a dust avalanche • a gigantic rippled wave • a dangerous natural movement • diseases bacteria from nature • ...
Natural Disasters 2014-04-03
20 Clues: plūdi • krusa • lavīna • cunami • vulkāns • putenis • sausums • nogruvumi • zemestrīce • epidēmijas • ugunsgrēki • viesuļvētra • Karstumaviļņi • Vulkāna-Zibens • ciklona-vētras • skābais lietus • pērkona-negaiss • tropiskie-cikloni • saules uzliesmojums • gammastaru-uzliesmojums
Natural Disasters 2016-07-22
- Where the lava travels through
- An earthquake makes the ground -----
- A collapse of land on a mountain
- Is needed to cause a flood
- Avalanches occur on ---------
- A sinkhole is usually caused by ----- -------
- There is strong ----- in a cyclone
- Lots of snow and wind
- Comes out of a volcano
- A bushfire can start with s bolt of ---------
- Can overflow to cause a flood
- Snow and ice falling down a mountain
- The center of a cyclone
- An overflow of water
- No water
- A tsunami is a giant ----
- A fire in the forest
- Starts with a silent 't'
- Lots of it in a cyclone
- Is measured with the richer scale
- Rocks .coming out of the volcano
- A tornado looks like a ------
- All natural disasters are -----------
- Natural disasters occur ----- ----
- A hole in the ground
- A mountain of lava
- A column of rotating air
- A low-pressure system
- The top of a volcano
- Stays inside the volcano
30 Clues: No water • A mountain of lava • A fire in the forest • A hole in the ground • The top of a volcano • An overflow of water • Lots of snow and wind • A low-pressure system • Comes out of a volcano • Lots of it in a cyclone • The center of a cyclone • Starts with a silent 't' • A column of rotating air • Stays inside the volcano • A tsunami is a giant ---- • Is needed to cause a flood • ...
- sprožiti (sometimes together with 'off')
- drobne ruševine
- cunami
- nevihta, neurje
- orkan
- gozdni požar, požar v naravi
- razbitine, ruševine (pieces of wood, metal, brick, etc. that are left after sth has been destroyed)
- tajfun
- plenjenje (stealing things from shops or buildings after a riot, fire)
- peščeni vihar
- nenaden padec temperature
- epidemija
- hitro (not quickly or fast)
- snežni metež / vihar
- prebroditi, preživeti (e.g. a storm, difficult times)
- evakuirati
- popotresni sunek
- evakuiranec
- prašni vihar
- tornado
- potopiti
- vročinski val
- usad, vrtača, udrtina
- toča
- potres
- suša
- pandemija
- kup (not pile)
- zemeljski plaz
- vulkanski izbruh (2 words)
- upadati, umikati se (The flood waters began to r_______.)
- ciklon
- snežni plaz
- protipoplavni nasip
- poplava
35 Clues: toča • suša • orkan • cunami • potres • tajfun • ciklon • tornado • poplava • potopiti • pandemija • epidemija • evakuirati • snežni plaz • evakuiranec • prašni vihar • vročinski val • peščeni vihar • kup (not pile) • zemeljski plaz • drobne ruševine • nevihta, neurje • popotresni sunek • protipoplavni nasip • snežni metež / vihar • usad, vrtača, udrtina • nenaden padec temperature • vulkanski izbruh (2 words) • ...
natural disasters 2022-09-04
- a violent storm with strong winds and rain
- snow that falls down the mountain
- a hurricane can ... trees
- to send ... supplies
- to ... from hurricanes
- to ... a disaster
- a sudden shaking movement of the ground
- a matter of ...
- when something explodes
- you can live there if you are homeless
- a fall of earth ad rocks down the mountain
- to destroy everything in its ...
- a strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle
- the loud noise you hear in theskyduring a storm
- to ... homes out to sea
- people who survive stay ...
- when a building falls down
- to take ...
- somebody who saves people
- to ... the disaster area
- an earthquake can ... a tsunami
- to ... the ruined city
- to be under ... of
- a large wave that hits the land and causes damage
- a period of time when there is no rain
- the bright flashes of light in the sky
26 Clues: to take ... • a matter of ... • to ... a disaster • to be under ... of • to send ... supplies • to ... from hurricanes • to ... the ruined city • to ... homes out to sea • when something explodes • to ... the disaster area • a hurricane can ... trees • somebody who saves people • when a building falls down • people who survive stay ... • an earthquake can ... a tsunami • ...
- bright with sunlight (WEATHER)
- low temperature (WEATHER)
- indicative of a storm (WEATHER)
- shaking of the ground
- exposed to strong winds (WEATHER)
- long, high sea wave caused by an earthquake
- summertime temperatures that are much hotter and/or humid than average
- a severe snowstorm with high winds
- high temperature (WEATHER)
- a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
- filled with fog (WAETHER)
- having or characterized by considerable rainfall(WEATHER)
- storm caused by strong rising air and characterized by thunder
- when gas and/or lava are released from a volcano
- full of clouds (WEATHER)
- covered with snow (WAETHER)
- closed natural depression in the ground surface
- uncontrolled fire in the forest
- high temperature comfortably (WEATHER)
- movement of a mass of rock
- violently rotating column of air
- very strong winds blow sand around in the desert
- overflow of a large amount of water
23 Clues: shaking of the ground • full of clouds (WEATHER) • low temperature (WEATHER) • filled with fog (WAETHER) • movement of a mass of rock • high temperature (WEATHER) • covered with snow (WAETHER) • bright with sunlight (WEATHER) • indicative of a storm (WEATHER) • uncontrolled fire in the forest • violently rotating column of air • exposed to strong winds (WEATHER) • ...
Natural disasters 2023-09-10
- An instrument that responds to ground noises and shaking such as caused by quakes, volcanic eruptions, and explosions
- A sudden movement of the earth's surface that often follows an earthquake and is less violent than the first main movement
- A strong wind in a desert carrying a large amount of sand
- A dangerous wind storm; a tornado
- A violent wind that has a circular movement, found in the West Pacific Ocean
- A sudden movement of the Earth's surface, often causing severe damage
- A mass of wet earth moving suddenly and quickly down a steep slope
- A scale to measure the intensity of earthquakes.
- A movement of rocks and soil down a mountain or hill
- An extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea
- A situation in which a lot of water covers an area that is usually dry, especially when a river becomes too full
- A violent storm with very strong winds
- A fire burning in the bush that is difficult to control and sometimes spreads quickly
- A long period when there is no rain and people do not have enough water
- A storm with strong winds and snow
- Fragmental material produced by a volcanic eruption regardless of composition, fragment size, or emplacement mechanism.
- A large amount of snow that falls down the side of a mountain
- A powerful fire that burns out of control across a large area
- A strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down spinning cone and is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground
- An occasion when a volcano explodes, and flames and rocks come out of it, or the act of doing this
20 Clues: A dangerous wind storm; a tornado • A storm with strong winds and snow • A violent storm with very strong winds • A scale to measure the intensity of earthquakes. • A movement of rocks and soil down a mountain or hill • A strong wind in a desert carrying a large amount of sand • A large amount of snow that falls down the side of a mountain • ...
Natural disasters 2024-02-29
- the opposite of major
- the explosion of a volcano
- sb who is walking past sth
- clear with a broom or brush
- seperate
- kitchen tools
- to be overfall with liquid
- casing to immobilize a broken bone
- serve a drink
- to start suddenly
- become hard
- the synonym of shake
- tsunami
- we use it to boil water
- we use it for pottery
- protect from change
- find the opposite phrasal verb of set a fire
- the synonym of expand
- to see, understand
- motionless
20 Clues: tsunami • seperate • motionless • become hard • kitchen tools • serve a drink • to start suddenly • to see, understand • protect from change • the synonym of shake • the opposite of major • we use it for pottery • the synonym of expand • we use it to boil water • the explosion of a volcano • sb who is walking past sth • to be overfall with liquid • clear with a broom or brush • ...
Natural Disasters 2020-06-18
- a simple measuring device usually placed in rivers or lakes to measure water level and allow preparation for flooding at a designated level
- Watery clay soil slides down a mountain
- an issuing forth suddenly and violently; outburst; outbreak. The ejection of molten rock, steam, etc., as from a volcano or geyser.
- a giant wave caused by movement of the ocean floor
- A natural occurrence caused by extreme weather or geologic events
- a device that measures the size (magnitude) of earthquakes (NOTE: These do NOT predict)
- a slide of large masses of snow and ice and mud down a mountain
- a series of vibrations induced in the earth's crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks in which elastic strain has been slowly accumulating.
- a period of dry weather, especially a long one that is injurious to crops.
- to use available information to draw a conclusion about what may occur in the future
- a small device placed on a volcano to detect small changes in the earth of the volcano to predict eruption events
- a storm of the most intense severity.
- a technology that uses radar signals to determine the location of incoming storms, especially in flat areas prone to tornadoes
- a small explosive used to cause small avalanches to prevent a major avalanche
- A natural hazard that causes harm to humans
- a localized, violently destructive windstorm occurring over land, especially in the Middle West, and characterized by a long, funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground and made visible by condensation and debris.
- a floating monitor that detects small changes in water level far out in the ocean to allow time to evacuate tsunami zones for higher ground
- to stop an event from occurring before it begins
- a transient storm of lightning and thunder, usually with rain and gusty winds, sometimes with hail or snow, produced by cumulonimbus clouds.
- a great flowing or overflowing of water, especially over land not usually submerged.
20 Clues: a storm of the most intense severity. • Watery clay soil slides down a mountain • A natural hazard that causes harm to humans • to stop an event from occurring before it begins • a giant wave caused by movement of the ocean floor • a slide of large masses of snow and ice and mud down a mountain • A natural occurrence caused by extreme weather or geologic events • ...
Natural Disasters 2013-02-25
- A colourless odourless tasteless liquid that is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.
- A storm in which snow falls.
- Hrozen drops of rain.
- A long period of dry weather.
- Not tranparent.
- Turn into ice.
- Large and heavy.
- A dangerous illness that spreads very quickly.
- Likely to kill or do great harm.
- Water or air moving on one direction.
- A huge mass of soil and rocks sliding down a slope.
- Make or be very cold.
- A mass of snow or rock falling down the side of a mountain.
- Lack of warmth.
- How hot or cold a person or thing is.
- Frozen water.
- Fast movement.
- A large amount of water spreading over a place that is dry.
- Frozen drops of water that drop from the sky in small white flakes.
- Tiny particles of earth or other solid material.
20 Clues: Frozen water. • Turn into ice. • Fast movement. • Lack of warmth. • Not tranparent. • Large and heavy. • Make or be very cold. • Hrozen drops of rain. • A storm in which snow falls. • A long period of dry weather. • Likely to kill or do great harm. • Water or air moving on one direction. • How hot or cold a person or thing is. • A dangerous illness that spreads very quickly. • ...
Natural Disasters 2021-10-27
20 Clues: dry • lava • rapid • heavy • magma • shake • plate • column • cracks • volcano • tornado • tsunami • drought • rainfall • eruption • rotating • tectonic • hurricane • flashflood • earthquake
Natural Disasters 2017-05-08
- boundary between air masses of different temperatures
- tropical storms with winds of at least 74mph
- force pressed on an object by air or atmosphere
- molten fluid rock that comes out of an active volcano
- a series of vibrations
- a seismic sea wave caused by a displacement of a large body of water
- one of the eaarth's lithosphere, constantly moving
- a tropical cyclone or hurricane in the western Pacific area and the China seas
- storm with high winds, intense cold, heavy snow
- overflow of a body of water onto land
- layers of gases surrounding a planet
- winds speeding through the upper atmosphere
- state of the atmoshere
- all forms in which water falls to Earth
- all weather conditions for a given location over a period of time
- degree of hotness or coldness measured by a thermometer
- precipitation that falls as ice
- a landslide of rocks
- weather pattern of wind blowing dust over large regions
- a sudden outburst from a volcano
20 Clues: a landslide of rocks • state of the atmoshere • a series of vibrations • precipitation that falls as ice • a sudden outburst from a volcano • layers of gases surrounding a planet • overflow of a body of water onto land • all forms in which water falls to Earth • winds speeding through the upper atmosphere • tropical storms with winds of at least 74mph • ...
Natural Disasters 2012-06-13
- Thunderstorms are classified as bad.....
- The male lion is........
- A situation that is usually bad, troublesome.
- Reduse reuse recycle
- The ........ of our show
- Magma is ......... rock from the mantle
- The debris of a fallen building
- The change of a chemical
- To repeat something from memory
- To move forward or backwards
- Someone is a ..... here
- Nonthing is left
- Have not had a drink for a long time
- The motive of your action
- Everything is destroyed
- Things that are........ are sometimes are broken glass
- Lots of things used on rescues
- Used to tell dates with
- To envy someone's things
- No rain for a long period of time
- Taking yourself away form people
21 Clues: Nonthing is left • Reduse reuse recycle • Someone is a ..... here • Everything is destroyed • Used to tell dates with • The male lion is........ • To envy someone's things • The ........ of our show • The change of a chemical • The motive of your action • To move forward or backwards • Lots of things used on rescues • The debris of a fallen building • To repeat something from memory • ...
28 Clues: лава • взрыв • обвал • волна • засуха • ураган • ученый • цунами • вулкан • остров • местный • джунгли • деревня • огромный • покидать • создавать • разрушать • побережье • подводный • опасность • наводнение • извергаться • сход лавины • происходить • зола, пепел • эвакуировать • лесной пожар • землетрясение
Natural Disasters 2013-03-17
- Moving fastly.
- A huge part that makes up the earths crust.
- An opening on the surface of the earth which lava and gas spurt out.
- A system that measures the strength of an earthquake by getting the data from a seismograph.
- Hot molten rock.
- Rock and dirt falling down a mountain.
- Area of land that normally floods after heavy rainfall.
- A word used in the area of the Indian Ocean to describe a tropical storm.
- Hardened volcanic ash.
- A week part in the earths crust where rock layers have ruptured and slipped.
- Which forms from runny lava.
- Asleep but may erupt in the future.
- Rain which has acid in it usually in areas that are polluted.
- Violent winds.
- The downward movement of heaps of ice and snow.
- A point Where an earthquake reaches the earths surface.
- A long period of dry weather.
- Frozen drops of water that fall from the sky.
- An instrument to easure earthquakes.
- Raised walls to stop water getting into specific areas.
20 Clues: Moving fastly. • Violent winds. • Hot molten rock. • Hardened volcanic ash. • Which forms from runny lava. • A long period of dry weather. • Asleep but may erupt in the future. • An instrument to easure earthquakes. • Rock and dirt falling down a mountain. • A huge part that makes up the earths crust. • Frozen drops of water that fall from the sky. • ...
Natural Disasters 2015-03-18
- A storm of violent winds
- Shaking and vibration of the surface from underground
- Water frozen in a solid state
- A slide of large masses of snow
- The mechanical process of grinding something down
- A small amount of rain fall
- An event resulting in great loss
- Fire A controlled fire in a wooded area
- A storm which hail falls
- Not forceful; warm
- A funnel shaped cloud extending towards the ground
- When molten lava gases erupt
- A destructive sea wave caused by an earthquake
- A storm with snow fall accompanied by strong winds
- storm A storm with rain
- A wind storm that lifts up clouds of dust or sand
- A severe tropical cyclone with heavy rains
- Change for the worst
- A violently destructive wind storm occurring over land
- The rising of a body of water
20 Clues: Not forceful; warm • Change for the worst • A storm of violent winds • storm A storm with rain • A storm which hail falls • A small amount of rain fall • When molten lava gases erupt • Water frozen in a solid state • The rising of a body of water • A slide of large masses of snow • An event resulting in great loss • Fire A controlled fire in a wooded area • ...
Natural disasters 2017-11-08
- the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc
- a very large area of sea
- an unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc
- a strong, dangerous wind
- damage caused to water, air, etc
- to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce useful materials that can be used again
- a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects
- the salty water that covers a large part of the surface of the earth
- the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place
- a form of energy that comes from a nuclear reaction and that can be very dangerous to health
- warming a gradual increase in world temperatures
- a natural wide flow of fresh water across the land into the sea
- rain rain that contains large amounts of harmful chemicals
- an area, often covered with sand or rocks, where there is very little rain
- a plant such as a grain, fruit, or vegetable grown in large amounts
- bank a large container into which people put empty bottles
- something that makes you understand there is a possible danger or problem, especially one in the future
- a substance in a form like air that is neither solid nor liquid
- to keep someone or something safe from injury
- the appearance of a particular disease in a large number of people at the same time
- cap a thick layer of ice that permanently covers an area of land
- an expert who studies or works in one of the sciences
- an extreme weather condition with very strong wind
- hot liquid rock that comes out of the earth through a volcano
- o cause to fill or become covered with water
- help or support
26 Clues: help or support • a very large area of sea • a strong, dangerous wind • damage caused to water, air, etc • the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc • o cause to fill or become covered with water • to keep someone or something safe from injury • warming a gradual increase in world temperatures • a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects • ...
Natural Disasters 2020-02-12
- Damage to your skin
- Severe flood
- Body of water that composes much of a planet's hydrosphere
- Rising of the sea resulting from atmospheric pressure changes
- Sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate
- Region at the center of a hurricane
- Rotating, funnel- shaped cloud that extends from a cloud to the ground
- Mass of snow, ice and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
- Strong, fast moving stream of water
- Machine used to track storms
- Person who studies weather
- Rigid snow supporting structure used to maintain passage in areas where snow removal is impossible
- Snow blown around blocking vision
- Liquid inside a volcano
- Barrier that forces windblown drifting snow to accumulate in a desired place
- Type of tornado
- Area in Pacific Ocean where many volcanoes and earthquakes happen
- Dust left from something burning
- Sudden flood caused by heavy rain
- Large, moveable segments on the earth
- Scientist who studies earthquakes
- Phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame, and heat
- Disturbance on the surface of a liquid body, as the sea or a lake, in the form of a moving ridge or swell
- Outer layer of the earth
- Person who studies tsunamis
- Natural movement of air from a specific direction
- A great sea wave produced by earthquake
27 Clues: Severe flood • Type of tornado • Damage to your skin • Liquid inside a volcano • Outer layer of the earth • Person who studies weather • Person who studies tsunamis • Machine used to track storms • Dust left from something burning • Sudden flood caused by heavy rain • Scientist who studies earthquakes • Snow blown around blocking vision • Region at the center of a hurricane • ...
Natural disasters 2023-04-04
- The worst disaster in 2004
- When people are poor and have no food, they are in .......
- If a ..... occurs over water, it's called waterspout
- commonly known as intense heat and high humidity.
- It produce lightning, which is one of the top three causes of weather related deaths in the US.
- The bigger they are, the harder they fall
- This can happen in forest if the temperature gets too hot
- The worldwide spread of a new disease, such as a new influenza virus or the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
- giant tropical storms that produce heavy rainfall and super-strong winds
- Heavy snow and wind, very very cold
- Bali,Indonesia
- Severe lack of water
- A tropical ..... brings very violent winds, torrential rain, high waves
- The most common natural hazard in the Malaysia
- Top cause of death on Mt.Everest
- San Andreas movie
- It occur when intense magnetic fields on the Sun become too tangled.
- March szn
- a hole in the ground that forms when water dissolves surface rock.
- worst Batang Kali tragedy yet
20 Clues: March szn • Bali,Indonesia • San Andreas movie • Severe lack of water • The worst disaster in 2004 • worst Batang Kali tragedy yet • Top cause of death on Mt.Everest • Heavy snow and wind, very very cold • The bigger they are, the harder they fall • The most common natural hazard in the Malaysia • commonly known as intense heat and high humidity. • ...
Natural disasters 2022-05-13
- Harm or damage to a person
- The shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth's surface.
- A giant wave usually caused by an earthquake beneath the ocean floor.
- an uncontrolled fire in a wooded area
- Wet dirt
- A small earthquake that follows the main earthquake
- the residue that remains when something is burned
- A great mass of ice, earth, or snow mixed with rocks sliding down a mountain
- move out of an unsafe location into safety
- the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material
- to fall down
- a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
- a long period without rain
- A feeling of sudden, intense fear.
- A person who has to leave his or her country to find safety.
- A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease.
- magma
- a storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone.
- An overflowing of water in a normally dry area
- A person who lives through a difficult event or experience
- wild, violent
- Shaking or vibrating movement, as of the earth
- A person killed or injured in a war or accident
- a slide of a large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff
- Extinguish (a fire)
25 Clues: magma • Wet dirt • to fall down • wild, violent • Extinguish (a fire) • a long period without rain • Harm or damage to a person • A feeling of sudden, intense fear. • an uncontrolled fire in a wooded area • move out of an unsafe location into safety • An overflowing of water in a normally dry area • Shaking or vibrating movement, as of the earth • ...
Natural Disasters 2012-10-07
- Over losd of water
- ash,foggy
- can damge propertys
- A hufe wave of water
- Can make building calapse
- likw a cyclone
- plates> How to sclae earthquakes
- fires> Can burm and is very hot
- cone in all sixes
- > damage both people and propertys
- Like a tornadoe
- a hill, movement of rock
- hot
- can die
- alot of water poors down and creats a flood
- > how to measre tornadoes
- a big storn
- wet and can be hot or cols
- Lose water, food,crops
- wide> Everywear
20 Clues: hot • can die • ash,foggy • a big storn • likw a cyclone • Like a tornadoe • wide> Everywear • cone in all sixes • Over losd of water • can damge propertys • A hufe wave of water • Lose water, food,crops • a hill, movement of rock • Can make building calapse • > how to measre tornadoes • wet and can be hot or cols • fires> Can burm and is very hot • plates> How to sclae earthquakes • ...
Natural Disasters 2014-03-16
- / it was a natural _________
- a mountain that spous lava
- / Another word for die
- complete the sentenced: cars drive on _________
- / complete sentence: a disaster can create _______
- Comlplete the sentence: we are all ________ (in Afrikaans die mense)
- / a huge wave that forms out at sea and destroys land when comes back into shore
- / complete the sentence: many ________ were lost
- A huge wind that forms a circle
- it is a mixture of rain, lighting, thunder we call it a ______
- / we live in them (plural)
- / how many people died in this tragic disaster
- / when we are sad we are __________
- we have ___________ schools
- when a certain part of earth splits apart
- sandy / our current topic
- York/ where the two twin buildings crashed
- complete this sentence : a mint of _________
- we buy clothes from there (plural)
- complete the sentence : ________ tree (plural)
20 Clues: / Another word for die • sandy / our current topic • / we live in them (plural) • a mountain that spous lava • we have ___________ schools • / it was a natural _________ • A huge wind that forms a circle • we buy clothes from there (plural) • / when we are sad we are __________ • when a certain part of earth splits apart • York/ where the two twin buildings crashed • ...
Natural disasters 2014-11-04
- What is the weather in winters usually?
- In which season there is snowing?
- What are severe winter storms charactized by heavy snow and strong winds?
- What is the weather in summers usually?
- Which disaster happened this year in India-Pakistan?
- The condition of being starved
- A heavy fall of rain, snow or hail
- A violent, tropical cyclonic storm
- The molten fluid rock that comes out of an active volcano
- What can be cause by undersea earthquakes?
- What is the Latvian degree-meter?
- Overflowing of water on land
- Which disaster is of rain drops that arrive an ice?
- A meteorid that enters the earth's atmosphere
- What is violent, dangerous, rotating column of air?
- A storm with dry driving snow
- A series of vibrations
- What is unusual dryness of soil?
- What is large fire which often start in wildland areas?
- The science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth
- Which is the rainiest season in the year?
21 Clues: A series of vibrations • Overflowing of water on land • A storm with dry driving snow • The condition of being starved • What is unusual dryness of soil? • What is the Latvian degree-meter? • In which season there is snowing? • A heavy fall of rain, snow or hail • A violent, tropical cyclonic storm • What is the weather in winters usually? • ...
Natural Disasters 2015-02-02
- a large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush
- a harbor where ships load or unload
- a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward
- a building used for public Christian worship
- forms a cloud during explosive volcanic eruptions
- a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds beneath a large storm system
- a large amount of water over what is normally dry land
- a person that lives in or occupies a place
- a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common
- a large tropical cyclone, also called a typhoon
- become active and eject lava, ash, and gases
- remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safe place
- a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall; a shortage of water resulting from this
- a structure with a roof and walls, such as a house, school, store, or factory
- hot molten rock erupted from a volcano
- a heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine
- happen; take place
- a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
- a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud, accompanied by a bright flash and typically also thunder
- a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action
- an object or feature of a landscape or town that is easily recognized
- a wide view of a natural place
- tiny particles of earth or waste matter
- a mountain or hill with a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas erupt from the earth's crust
- a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility
- a mass of mud and other earthy material that has fallen down a hillside
- a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance
27 Clues: happen; take place • a wide view of a natural place • a harbor where ships load or unload • hot molten rock erupted from a volcano • tiny particles of earth or waste matter • a person that lives in or occupies a place • a building used for public Christian worship • become active and eject lava, ash, and gases • a large tropical cyclone, also called a typhoon • ...
Natural Disasters 2020-07-07
24 Clues: Tifón • Niebla • Sequía • Ciclón • Granizo • Huracán • Tsunami • tornado • Sumidero • Llovizna • Relámpago • terremoto • Avalancha • inundación • Calor extremo • Canal de desagüe • Tormenta de nieve • Tormenta de polvo • Incendio Forestal • Tormenta de arena • Tormenta de nieve • Erupción de volcán • Tormenta eléctrica • Deslizamiento de tierra
Natural Disasters 2021-10-27
20 Clues: dry • lava • plate • magma • shake • rapid • heavy • cracks • column • drought • tornado • volcano • tsunami • eruption • tectonic • rainfall • rotating • hurricane • earthquake • flashflood
Natural disasters 2023-01-04
- bad event
- strong winds
- it can burn
- big movement of the ground
- a car might ______ against a wall
- very dried soil
- twister
- big movement of snow
- hot magma
- people who survive a disaster
- earth going down
- not active
- small rock in the outer space
- asleep
- light from the sky
- move people to a safe place
- hole of a volcano
- group of trees
- big waves
- an oil____ contaminates the sea
- excessive water in a city
21 Clues: asleep • twister • bad event • big waves • hot magma • not active • it can burn • strong winds • group of trees • very dried soil • earth going down • hole of a volcano • light from the sky • big movement of snow • excessive water in a city • big movement of the ground • move people to a safe place • small rock in the outer space • people who survive a disaster • an oil____ contaminates the sea • ...
Natural disasters 2023-04-27
- Something that is really bad, unpleasant, or serious.
- A mountain that can shoot out hot rocks and lava from its top, sometimes causing ash and smoke to fill the sky.
- A big, scary weather event with strong winds, rain, thunder, and lightning.
- A big, out-of-control fire that spreads quickly through areas with lots of trees and plants.
- To hit something very hard or make contact forcefully.
- A really big, powerful storm that happens over the ocean, with lots of wind and rain.
- When a big mass of snow and ice suddenly slides down a mountain or slope.
- When something moves or vibrates quickly and suddenly.
- When rocks and dirt suddenly fall down a mountain or hill, usually because of rain or erosion.
- A bright, flashing light in the sky that happens during a storm, often followed by a loud boom of thunder.
- When water covers areas that are normally dry, often due to heavy rain or a river overflowing.
- A big, spinning storm that happens over the ocean.
- Someone who lives through a dangerous or difficult situation.
- To get away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation or place.
- A huge wave that happens in the ocean, often caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption.
- When the ground shakes suddenly and violently because of movements in the Earth's crust.
- To take air into your lungs and then let it out.
- A message that tells you about possible danger or problems that may happen.
- Something really bad that happens and causes lots of damage, destruction, or harm.
- Doing something with caution and paying close attention to avoid any mistakes or harm.
20 Clues: To take air into your lungs and then let it out. • A big, spinning storm that happens over the ocean. • Something that is really bad, unpleasant, or serious. • To hit something very hard or make contact forcefully. • When something moves or vibrates quickly and suddenly. • Someone who lives through a dangerous or difficult situation. • ...
Natural Disasters 2024-06-07
- A skin disease which badly damages the skin
- A disaster caused by nature
- Lack of food
- A person who lived through a disaster
- A disease caused by a bite from an animal
- Too much water/rain
- Diseases affecting large numbers of people
- The land moving
- Violent winds
- No rain
- "A volcano ( )"
- A disease usually carried by mosquitos
- A bomb going off
- Hot liquid rock pours from a mountain
- The people who suffered the results
- A tropical disease,causes yellow skin
- Sexually transmitted disease
- Injured in a battle
- A person without food
- A war between the people of the same country
20 Clues: No rain • Lack of food • Violent winds • The land moving • A bomb going off • "A volcano ( )" • Injured in a battle • Too much water/rain • A person without food • A disaster caused by nature • Sexually transmitted disease • The people who suffered the results • Hot liquid rock pours from a mountain • A tropical disease,causes yellow skin • A person who lived through a disaster • ...
natural disasters 2024-05-15
- water overflowing
- something really bad
- debris blowing around
- a disease killing many fish
- a series of lowering tempratures
- lava entering the atmosphere
- something not fake
- destroying objects in there path
- ice falling from the sky
- not a hurricane but a...
- a series of rising tempratures
- rise in sea water levels
- tectonic plates shifting
- rats getting sick
- very dry, thirsty
- fire spreading in a dryland
- fire spreading rapidly through nature
- continent
- you need to wear masks during a...
- rocks and earth falling at a slope
20 Clues: continent • water overflowing • rats getting sick • very dry, thirsty • something not fake • something really bad • debris blowing around • rise in sea water levels • tectonic plates shifting • ice falling from the sky • not a hurricane but a... • fire spreading in a dryland • a disease killing many fish • lava entering the atmosphere • a series of rising tempratures • ...
- An uncontrolled fire in a wild area, such as a forest or grassland.
- To leave a place because of danger.
- The state of being ready for a natural disaster.
- A large wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance under the sea.
- Changes made to cope with the effects of a natural disaster.
- A mass of rock, earth, or debris that moves down a slope.
- An opening in the Earth's crust through which lava, ash, and gases erupt.
- A powerful tropical storm with strong winds and heavy rain.
- wave A period of unusually hot weather.
- surge A rise in the sea level caused by a storm.
- Actions taken to reduce the impact of a natural disaster.
- The ability to recover from a natural disaster.
- A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
- A violently rotating column of air that descends from a thunderstorm.
- A mass of snow, ice, and rock that slides down a mountainside.
- relief Aid that is provided to people who have been affected by a natural disaster.
- A large amount of water that covers land that is normally dry.
- A period of time with little or no rain.
- aid The immediate treatment given to someone who is injured or ill.
- A place to go for safety during a natural disaster.
20 Clues: To leave a place because of danger. • wave A period of unusually hot weather. • A period of time with little or no rain. • The ability to recover from a natural disaster. • The state of being ready for a natural disaster. • surge A rise in the sea level caused by a storm. • A place to go for safety during a natural disaster. • ...
- An uncontrolled fire in a wild area, such as a forest or grassland.
- To leave a place because of danger.
- The state of being ready for a natural disaster.
- A large wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance under the sea.
- Changes made to cope with the effects of a natural disaster.
- A mass of rock, earth, or debris that moves down a slope.
- An opening in the Earth's crust through which lava, ash, and gases erupt.
- A powerful tropical storm with strong winds and heavy rain.
- wave A period of unusually hot weather.
- surge A rise in the sea level caused by a storm.
- Actions taken to reduce the impact of a natural disaster.
- The ability to recover from a natural disaster.
- A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
- A violently rotating column of air that descends from a thunderstorm.
- A mass of snow, ice, and rock that slides down a mountainside.
- relief Aid that is provided to people who have been affected by a natural disaster.
- A large amount of water that covers land that is normally dry.
- A period of time with little or no rain.
- aid The immediate treatment given to someone who is injured or ill.
- A place to go for safety during a natural disaster.
20 Clues: To leave a place because of danger. • wave A period of unusually hot weather. • A period of time with little or no rain. • The ability to recover from a natural disaster. • The state of being ready for a natural disaster. • surge A rise in the sea level caused by a storm. • A place to go for safety during a natural disaster. • ...
Natural Disasters 2021-02-22
- A rapidly spreading fire in a forest-like area
- A depression in the ground
- Storm, A storm of freezing rain that leaves a coating of ice.
- The explosion of steam and lava from a volcano
- A mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds
- A marked effect or influence
- a sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
- A system of winds rotating inwards to an area of low barometric pressure
- A thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface which obscures or restricts visibility
- An electrical discharge of high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud, typically accompanied by a bright flash and thunder
- A hazardous event caused by nature
- The prolonged period of abnormally hot weather
- A tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western Pacific oceans
- The overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits
- A mass of mud and other earthy material that is falling or has fallen down a hillside or other slope
- A numerical scale for expressing the magnitude of an earthquake
- A mass of snow, ice, and rocks flowing rapidly down a mountainside
- A quickly rotating mass of water in a river or sea into which objects may be drawn, typically caused by the meeting of conflicting currents
- A period of darkness (as in a city) caused by a failure of electrical power
- A series of extremely large waves caused by earthquakes or undersea volcanic eruptions
- An occurrence of strong winds permeating the air with fine particles of dust
- A vent in the crust of Earth from which issue eruptions of molten rock, hot rock fragments, and hot gases
- A severe snowstorm with high winds
- A rare weather phenomenon in which balls of ice rain down onto the Earth
- A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water
25 Clues: A depression in the ground • A marked effect or influence • A severe snowstorm with high winds • A hazardous event caused by nature • A rapidly spreading fire in a forest-like area • The explosion of steam and lava from a volcano • The prolonged period of abnormally hot weather • A mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds • ...
Natural Disasters 2024-01-30
- a huge wave caused by an ocean-floor earthquake
- to fall down and break
- an emergency situation
- downward falling of soil, dirt, and mud over a steep cliff
- to change
- a winter storm that causes low visibility and dropped temperatures
- when the land stars to sink into the ground
- when there has not been any rain for a long time
- unable to guess a result due to many unreliable changes
- a hot vent in Earth's crust where ash and molten rock erupts from
- a storm that spins in a funnel shape
- a large amount
- a spinning storm with winds that reach over 75 miles per hour
- a fire that gets out of control and hurts anything it touches
- a disaster that shakes the earth
- a storm that normally happens in the desert
- an overflowing of a large amount of water that covers the land
- the act of destroying something
- a danger
- extremely bad or serious
- a large amount of snow falling down a mountain
21 Clues: a danger • to change • a large amount • to fall down and break • an emergency situation • extremely bad or serious • the act of destroying something • a disaster that shakes the earth • a storm that spins in a funnel shape • a storm that normally happens in the desert • when the land stars to sink into the ground • a large amount of snow falling down a mountain • ...
Natural Disasters 2024-11-10
- Large amounts of rock or earth move downhill
- Safe place to stay during an emergency
- A long period with no rain
- A sudden feeling of fear
- Food that does not spoil quickly
- A storm where ice fall from the sky.
- A powerful fire in forests or grasslands
- Something that doesn’t catch fire easily
- Free swimming creature often with poison arms
- Vehicle used for injured people in emergency
- A light you can carry with you
- Used to help people before medical help arrives
- To tell of possible danger
- An extended period of very high temperatures
- Tropical storm with strong winds and rain
- Cover windows or doors to protect against storm damage
- Moving people to a safer place
- A flash of light in the sky during a storm
- large amount of water that covers dry land
- Large wave caused by earthquake
20 Clues: A sudden feeling of fear • To tell of possible danger • A long period with no rain • A light you can carry with you • Moving people to a safer place • Large wave caused by earthquake • Food that does not spoil quickly • A storm where ice fall from the sky. • Safe place to stay during an emergency • A powerful fire in forests or grasslands • ...
Natural Disasters 2017-05-08
- a seismic sea wave caused by a displacement of a large body of water
- molten fluid rock that comes out of an active volcano
- tropical storms with winds of at least 74mph
- layers of gases surrounding a planet
- all forms in which water falls to Earth
- storm with high winds, intense cold, heavy snow
- winds speeding through the upper atmosphere
- one of the eaarth's lithosphere, constantly moving
- boundary between air masses of different temperatures
- weather pattern of wind blowing dust over large regions
- precipitation that falls as ice
- a landslide of rocks
- force pressed on an object by air or atmosphere
- state of the atmoshere
- degree of hotness or coldness measured by a thermometer
- a sudden outburst from a volcano
- a series of vibrations
- all weather conditions for a given location over a period of time
- a tropical cyclone or hurricane in the western Pacific area and the China seas
- overflow of a body of water onto land
20 Clues: a landslide of rocks • state of the atmoshere • a series of vibrations • precipitation that falls as ice • a sudden outburst from a volcano • layers of gases surrounding a planet • overflow of a body of water onto land • all forms in which water falls to Earth • winds speeding through the upper atmosphere • tropical storms with winds of at least 74mph • ...
Natural Disasters 2013-03-06
- A huge wave coming in from the sea.
- A severe snow storm.
- Another word for tornado.
- A loud crash coming from the sky.
- A huge mass of snow that slides down the side of mountain.
- Smoke,ash and burnt trees.
- Sand twirling everywhere.
- Massive amounts of wind and rain.
- A disease that spreads extremely fast and can kill millions.
- storm- This usually happens on a windy day in the desert.
- A large overflow of water.
- A large amount of heat that passes over dry or hot places.
- Ice falling from the sky.
- Big flashes of light through the sky.
- No water or rain for a long period of time.
- A huge storm that causes floods and lots of damage.
- A sudden release of energy from the Earths crust.
- A heap of mud sliding down the side of a hill/mountain.
- A big column of hot and cold air spinning around.
- A huge mountain that erupts with lava.
20 Clues: A severe snow storm. • Ice falling from the sky. • Another word for tornado. • Sand twirling everywhere. • Smoke,ash and burnt trees. • A large overflow of water. • A loud crash coming from the sky. • Massive amounts of wind and rain. • A huge wave coming in from the sea. • Big flashes of light through the sky. • A huge mountain that erupts with lava. • ...
Natural Disasters 2022-04-08
- An electrical discharge caused by imbalances between storm clouds and the ground, or within the clouds themselves.
- A form of solid precipitation, distinct from ice pellets.
- A large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush.
- An event of prolonged shortages in the water supply, whether atmospheric, surface water or ground water.
- Several forms of mass wasting that may include a wide range of ground movements, such as rockfalls, deep-seated slope failures, mudflows, and debris flows.
- storm: A type of winter storm characterized by freezing rain, also known as a glaze event or a silver thaw.
- An overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry.
- A kind of thunderstorm with snow falling as the primary precipitation instead of rain
- Dangerous winter storms that are a combination of blowing snow and wind resulting in very low visibilities.
- A violently rotating column of air touching the ground, usually attached to the base of a thunderstorm.
- A tropical storm with winds that have reached a constant speed of 74 miles per hour or more.
- A sudden slip on a fault, and the resulting ground shaking and radiated seismic energy caused by the slip, or by volcanic or magmatic activity, or other sudden stress changes in the earth.
- A storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail.
- A visible aerosol consisting of tiny water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air
- A period of excessively hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity.
- winds: A very strong wind
- cyclone: A rapidly rotating storm system characterized by a low-pressure center, a closed low-level atmospheric circulation, strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain and/or squalls.
- A storm where precipitation falls as snow
- storm: A meteorological phenomenon that arises when a gust front or other strong wind blows loose sand and dirt from a dry surface.
- A series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or a large lake.
20 Clues: winds: A very strong wind • A storm where precipitation falls as snow • An overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry. • A form of solid precipitation, distinct from ice pellets. • A large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush. • A storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail. • ...
Natural disasters 2022-05-13
- Harm or damage to a person
- The shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth's surface.
- A giant wave usually caused by an earthquake beneath the ocean floor.
- an uncontrolled fire in a wooded area
- Wet dirt
- A small earthquake that follows the main earthquake
- the residue that remains when something is burned
- A great mass of ice, earth, or snow mixed with rocks sliding down a mountain
- move out of an unsafe location into safety
- the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material
- to fall down
- a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
- a long period without rain
- A feeling of sudden, intense fear.
- A person who has to leave his or her country to find safety.
- A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease.
- magma
- a storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone.
- An overflowing of water in a normally dry area
- A person who lives through a difficult event or experience
- wild, violent
- Shaking or vibrating movement, as of the earth
- A person killed or injured in a war or accident
- a slide of a large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff
- Extinguish (a fire)
25 Clues: magma • Wet dirt • to fall down • wild, violent • Extinguish (a fire) • a long period without rain • Harm or damage to a person • A feeling of sudden, intense fear. • an uncontrolled fire in a wooded area • move out of an unsafe location into safety • An overflowing of water in a normally dry area • Shaking or vibrating movement, as of the earth • ...
Natural disasters 2020-12-07
21 Clues: szél • füst • árvíz • rázni • vihar • aggodó • hullám • ciklon • hóvihar • gyakori • erdőtűz • rémisztő • elkerülni • hurricane • szenvedni • üdülőhely • lerombolni • katasztófa • biztosítás • földrengés • tengeri szökőár
Natural Disasters 2023-03-24
- A scale used to measure the intensity of an earthquake
- A natural disaster where carbon compressed in lakes violently explodes
- A vortex of violent and destructive winds and waters
- A natural disaster where lava, magma, and rocks are spewed from this structure
- A vortex of violent and destructive winds
- A natural disaster where forestry is caught on fire
- A natural disaster that is a stronger hurricane that originates in western pacific oceans
- A natural disaster/event where something from out of orbit would collide with Earth
- A natural disaster that is a freak snowstorm
- A natural disaster where an area is overfilled with water
- A natural disaster where lots of snow rolls downhill or mountain
- A natural disaster where water erodes a hole into the ground
- A natural disaster where a wave of radiation from the sun flies off and hits earth
- A description of an earthquake, including its type and magnitude
- A natural disaster that is a weaker hurricane that spins counterclockwise/clockwise depending on its hemisphere
- A fracture between two broken rocks/pieces of rocks.
- A large wave of destructive and dangerous water
- A natural disaster where mud, trees, and rocks roll down hills or mountains
- A natural disaster where the ground violently shakes
- A natural disaster where there is a severe lack of water
- A natural disaster where an area is unusually hot for usually a day or two
21 Clues: A vortex of violent and destructive winds • A natural disaster that is a freak snowstorm • A large wave of destructive and dangerous water • A natural disaster where forestry is caught on fire • A vortex of violent and destructive winds and waters • A fracture between two broken rocks/pieces of rocks. • A natural disaster where the ground violently shakes • ...
- a fire burning in an area of land with many trees
- small earthquake that happens after a bigger one
- physical harm caused to something
- mountain from which hot melted rock, gas, steam, and ash from inside the earth sometimes burst
- whole or complete
- to fall down suddenly after falling apart
- big or huge
- a person who lives in a particular place
- a large wave caused by movements in Earth's outer layer, which move ocean water.
- someone who actually saw something happen
- to produce flames and heat
- .... is an intense shaking of Earth's surface. The shaking is caused by movements in Earth's outermost layer.
- a type of weather that causes very strong winds and heavy rain.
- to happen
- A mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
- to become filled or covered with water
- without a home
- a long period of time during which no rain falls
- a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea ocean and etc.
- very scared
- a black gas that is produced by something burning
21 Clues: to happen • very scared • big or huge • without a home • whole or complete • to produce flames and heat • physical harm caused to something • to become filled or covered with water • a person who lives in a particular place • to fall down suddenly after falling apart • someone who actually saw something happen • small earthquake that happens after a bigger one • ...
- - to save sb
- - wild or violent anger
- - to harm something
- - large amount of snow that falls down a mountain
- - a large fire which is burning out of control in an area
- - terrible damage
- - To move violently back and forth
- - the police, ambulance, and fire services
- - A giant wave usually caused by an earthquake beneath the ocean floor.
- - to get back to a normal state, usually after sth bad has happened
- - a long period of dry weather
- - we say this when the water level of a river gets so high that the water overflows its sides and floods the local area
- - to fall down suddenly
- - to leave a dangerous area
- - a place that provides protection from danger
- - A heavy snowstorm with strong winds
- - A strong storm with a powerful wind
- - a large amount of water that covers an area of land
- - to make sth happen
- - an extreme shortage of food
- - to strike, to reach a place with a lot of force
- - a sudden and violent shaking movement of the ground
- - to tell (someone) about possible danger or trouble
23 Clues: - to save sb • - terrible damage • - to harm something • - to make sth happen • - to fall down suddenly • - wild or violent anger • - to leave a dangerous area • - an extreme shortage of food • - a long period of dry weather • - To move violently back and forth • - A heavy snowstorm with strong winds • - A strong storm with a powerful wind • - the police, ambulance, and fire services • ...
Natural Disasters 2024-03-12
- which hurricane devastated the state of Louisiana in 2005
- this type of surface increases the risk of flooding
- spinning columns of air
- one stage of hurricane development
- the most common natural hazard
- this is the highest and most destructive rating for hurricanes
- hazard caused by severe weather processes such as flooding and hurricanes
- violent storms that form over warm ocean water
- flooding can cause this to happen
- hazard caused by interior processes such as earthquakes
- this part of hurricane can damage homes and other buildings
- what type of geologic event is Mt. St. Helen
- tornadoes are classified using this scale
- process by which warm air and moisture rise, cool, then sink
- hurricanes are rated using these
- tornadoes start as these
- an extremely destructive event
- semi-circular pattern of volcanic activity in the Pacific Ocean
- this is the name of the hurricane rating system
- these are caused by excessive rainfall
20 Clues: spinning columns of air • tornadoes start as these • an extremely destructive event • the most common natural hazard • hurricanes are rated using these • flooding can cause this to happen • one stage of hurricane development • these are caused by excessive rainfall • tornadoes are classified using this scale • what type of geologic event is Mt. St. Helen • ...
Natural Disasters 2024-11-26
- "A fire that spreads quickly in dry, wooded areas.",
- "A storm with strong winds and heavy rain, common in the Southeast U.S.",
- "The middle of a hurricane.",
- blizzards bring in large amounts.",
- "Movements of these cause earthquakes.",
- Extreme weather can create this for people.",
- "Too much water covering the land.",
- "A spinning funnel-shaped storm.",
- "A huge wave caused by an underwater earthquake.",
- What strong storms often carry.",
- Caused by very high temperatures over time."
- "The shaking of the ground caused by tectonic plates.",
- "Heavy snowfall and strong winds together.",
- "Scale used to measure the size of an earthquake.",
- A volcano's explosion, which can cause earthquakes.",
- "This is what tornadoes are often found in.",
- "Cracks in the Earth's crust where earthquakes happen.",
- "An alert system for severe weather.",
- "Falling moisture that contributes to floods.",
- "The dry condition when there's no rain.",
20 Clues: "The middle of a hurricane.", • What strong storms often carry.", • "A spinning funnel-shaped storm.", • blizzards bring in large amounts.", • "Too much water covering the land.", • "An alert system for severe weather.", • "Movements of these cause earthquakes.", • "The dry condition when there's no rain.", • "Heavy snowfall and strong winds together.", • ...
Natural Disasters 2019-09-02
- It is a disaster when there is a volcanic ________.
- A prolonged period of abnormally hot weather for a region.
- If there is a natural disaster it is an _________.
- Lack of rain causes this disaster.
- A sudden and violent movement of a portion of the earth's crust, and the series of vibrations that follow.
- This natural disaster is sometimes called a 'twister'.
- Natural disasters can cause great ________.
- You should always do this to be protected from bushfires.
- People often climb onto their roofs to save themselves from this.
- This burns and destroys everything in its path.
- Natural disasters cause great _______ to people.
- It is very dangerous when there is a ________ eruption.
- A natural ________ can occur in many countries.
- We should all take these to protect ourselves from disasters.
- Severe storm systems that begin in the Southern Pacific.
- A collapse of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.
- This means to do with nature.
- A long, high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance.
- Victims are supported with disaster ______.
- Always have a ____ of what you should do.
20 Clues: This means to do with nature. • Lack of rain causes this disaster. • Always have a ____ of what you should do. • Victims are supported with disaster ______. • Natural disasters can cause great ________. • This burns and destroys everything in its path. • A natural ________ can occur in many countries. • Natural disasters cause great _______ to people. • ...
- causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious
- a large amount of snow and ice that slides suddenly down the side of a mountain.
- The spread of lava as it pours out of a vent.(2 words)
- a flash of bright light in the sky that is produced by electricity moving between clouds or from clouds to the ground.
- a period of days during which the weather is much hotter than usual (2 words).
- an extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea.
- to give money or goods to help a person or organization.
- A cloud at ground level.
- a severe snow storm with strong winds
- continue to live.
- A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans.
- a strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down spinning cone and is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground ( US informal : twister .
- a violent wind that has a circular movement, especially in the West Atlantic Ocean.
- basic medical treatment that is given to someone as soon as possible after they have been hurt in an accident or suddenly become ill ( 2 words.
- a long period of time during which there is very little or no rain.
- a shaking of a part of the Earth's surface that often causes great damage.
- small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain.
- an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.
- the act of collecting or producing money for a particular purpose, especially for a charity.
- a large amount of water covering an area of land that is usually dry.
- a fire burning in a wild area of land that is difficult to control and sometimes spreads quickly.
- an occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly and affects a large number of people.
- A small storm often accompanied by heavy precipitation and frequent thunder and lightning.
- an occasion when a volcano explodes, and flames and rocks come out of it ( 2 words.
- a large mass of rocks and earth that suddenly and quickly moves down the side of a mountain hill.
- a situation in which there is not enough food for a great number of people.
- a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger.
- the season of heavy rain during the summer in hot Asian countries
- blowing of hot air and dust. (2 words)
- when rain falls onto areas where the ground temperature is below freezing, the storm is called this(2 words )
- a person that suffers harm.
- a large stream of mud, rocks, and water from a volcano that becomes hard when it stops moving
- prediction or estimate of future events, especially coming weather.
33 Clues: continue to live. • A cloud at ground level. • a person that suffers harm. • a severe snow storm with strong winds • blowing of hot air and dust. (2 words) • The spread of lava as it pours out of a vent.(2 words) • to give money or goods to help a person or organization. • small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain. • ...
Natural Disasters 2021-10-27
20 Clues: dry • lava • magma • rapid • shake • heavy • plate • column • cracks • tsunami • tornado • drought • volcano • eruption • rainfall • tectonic • rotating • hurricane • flashflood • earthquake
Natural Disasters 2023-01-23
- Very big fire that spreads quickly and burns natural areas like woods, forests and grassland;
- Violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a circle;
- Large amount of mud sliding down a mountain;
- Violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle. There is often also a long cloud that is narrower at the bottom than the top;
- Very bad weather with strong winds and rain, and often thunder and lightning;
- Event in which wind coincides with varieties of precipitation that only occur at freezing temperatures;
- Lack of food during a long period of time in a region;
- Period of unusually hot weather;
- Snowstorm with very strong winds;
- Very rare type of natural disaster in which dissolved CO2 suddenly erupts from deep lake waters, forming a gas cloud;
- Incident in which lightning hits somebody/something;
- Violent tropical storm with very strong winds;
- Violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean;
- A volcano spewing red hot lava;
- Large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry;
- Mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cliff;
- Mass of snow, ice and rock that falls down the side of a mountain;
- Sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface;
- Extremely large wave in the sea caused, for example, by an earthquake;
- Long period of time when there is little or no rain;
20 Clues: A volcano spewing red hot lava; • Period of unusually hot weather; • Snowstorm with very strong winds; • Large amount of mud sliding down a mountain; • Violent tropical storm with very strong winds; • Sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface; • Long period of time when there is little or no rain; • Incident in which lightning hits somebody/something; • ...
Natural Disasters 2013-02-24
- Something that comes from a fire.
- Strong tropical winds.
- A word that means something really bad.
- waves Really big waves.
- Something that comes after thunder.
- Something that comes out of a volcano.
- Really, really strong winds.
- Another name for Tornadoes.
- wave Really hot temperatues.
- Hot lava.
- Lots of water.
- Strong winds.
- A flash.
- Crumbing earth.
- Really dry.
- Strong blasts of winds.
- Something that can burn you.
- A large snow slide.
- Big chunks of ice.
- slide Moving land.
20 Clues: A flash. • Hot lava. • Really dry. • Strong winds. • Lots of water. • Crumbing earth. • Big chunks of ice. • slide Moving land. • A large snow slide. • Strong tropical winds. • Strong blasts of winds. • waves Really big waves. • Another name for Tornadoes. • Something that can burn you. • Really, really strong winds. • wave Really hot temperatues. • Something that comes from a fire. • ...
Natural Disasters 2013-07-31
- Fuel+Oxygen+Heat add bush
- A lot of mud falls of a mountain or hill
- Where does the cold air come for when a tornado is formed in tornado alley
- Air blowing in a circle over water
- Lots or snow falls off a mountain
- What type of plates are under the ocean
- Where does Australia have the most floods
- A big wave of water
- Has Melbourne had an earthquake
- Helps make a fire
- When there is not a lot of rain
- What state in the US has lots of earthquakes
- Another word for Tornado
- What falls to make a avalanche
- What is the first layer of the earth structure
- Another word for cyclone
- What country in Asia had a hit tsunami hit in 2011
- Name the cyclone the hit Darwin in 1974
- Explosion of Hot Lava
- Drops of water fall from the sky
- What is the tectonic plate called that Australia is on
- The middle of a cyclone
- What makes tsunamis
- What city in New Zealand has the most earthquakes
- Hot and cold air whirly together on land
- A part of the fire triangle
- What day is black _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on
- Lots of water around buildings
- When a lot of water falls from the sky
29 Clues: Helps make a fire • What makes tsunamis • A big wave of water • Explosion of Hot Lava • The middle of a cyclone • Another word for cyclone • Another word for Tornado • Fuel+Oxygen+Heat add bush • A part of the fire triangle • Lots of water around buildings • What falls to make a avalanche • Has Melbourne had an earthquake • When there is not a lot of rain • ...
Natural Disasters 2018-05-10
- contagious diseases
- diseases bacteria from nature
- spinning funnel
- natural fires
- a violent windy flood
- a water tornado
- eruptions lava spittings out of a large mountain with an openning full of red hot magma.
- big wholes in Earth
- Storms a dust avalanche
- a tropical storm
- a tornado underwater.
- a gigantic rippled wave
- a snow blowout
- a dangerous natural movement
- storms with a rumbling sound and rain
- land breaks
- extreme heat
- a mature cyclone
- icy storms
- a flash of electricity
20 Clues: icy storms • land breaks • extreme heat • natural fires • a snow blowout • spinning funnel • a water tornado • a mature cyclone • a tropical storm • contagious diseases • big wholes in Earth • a violent windy flood • a tornado underwater. • a flash of electricity • a gigantic rippled wave • Storms a dust avalanche • a dangerous natural movement • diseases bacteria from nature • ...
Natural disasters 2023-12-07
- (napoved)A prediction or estimation of future events, especially in relation to weather.
- (smrtne žrtve)The occurrence of death resulting from a disaster or accident.
- (etično)Relating to principles of right and wrong conduct, morally acceptable.
- (prilagoditi se) To adjust or change to suit new conditions or circumstances.
- (nerodoviten)Incapable of supporting life, lacking vegetation or fertility.
- (odpornost)The ability to recover or bounce back from adversity.
- (nepredvidljivost)The quality of being difficult to foresee or anticipate.
- (pospešiti)To make a situation, condition, or problem worse
- (prihod, začetek) The beginning or start of something, such as a disaster.
- (neizbežen)Likely to occur at any moment, impending.
- (zmanjšati, mitigirati)To lessen the severity or impact of something.
- (kaskadno, zaporedno) Occurring in a sequence with a series of interconnected events.
- (ekstenzivno)Covering a large area or having a broad range.
- (intervencija)The act or process of becoming involved in a situation to alter its course or outcome.
- (obilje, obilnost)A plentiful or ample quantity of something.
- (nihanje)The act or state of swinging back and forth at a regular pace.
- (natančen) Exact, accurate, and clearly defined.
- (ohranjati)To support or maintain over an extended period of time.
- (erozija) The gradual wearing away of soil, rock, or land by natural processes.
- (podaljšano) Extended in duration or length.
- (minimizirati, zmanjšati)To reduce or keep to the smallest possible degree.
- (motnja, prekinitev)The act of causing disorder or disturbance, often to normal situations.
- (učinek)The effects or influences resulting from a particular action or event.
- (olajšati)To make an action or process easier or more achievable.
- (ranljivost)How likely you are to be harmed or damaged, especially in the face of potential threats.
- (nadomestitev)The process by which an ecosystem undergoes changes over time following a disturbance.
- (zanesljiv) In a dependable and consistent manner.
- (anomalija)Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
- (bližajoč se)About to happen, approaching or imminent.
- (katastrofalno)Involving or causing a sudden and widespread disaster.
30 Clues: (podaljšano) Extended in duration or length. • (natančen) Exact, accurate, and clearly defined. • (zanesljiv) In a dependable and consistent manner. • (neizbežen)Likely to occur at any moment, impending. • (bližajoč se)About to happen, approaching or imminent. • (pospešiti)To make a situation, condition, or problem worse • ...
Natural Disasters 2024-09-02
- A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community.
- To remove people from a place of danger to a safer place.
- Assistance, typically of a practical nature, provided in an emergency.
- A mass of snow,ice,and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside.
- A brief, strong rush of wind.
- A severe snowstorm with strong winds and low visibility.
- A heavy and sudden rainfall.
- Pellets of frozen rain that fall from the sky
- A slight earthquake or vibration in the ground.
- A person evacuated from a place of danger.
- A strong, turbulent wind that carries clouds of fine dust, soil, and sand.
- The sudden failure of a structure or system, often resulting in its destruction.
- Causing severe shock, distress, or destruction.
- A prolonged period of excessively hot weather.
- The powdery residue left after burning a substance
- A very strong wind, typically used to describe winds of 34-40 knots.
- A smaller earthquake following the main shock of a large earthquake.
- A mass of earth or rock sliding down a mountain
- The process by which something extends over a large area or group.
- A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
- Scattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed.
- A long period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
22 Clues: A heavy and sudden rainfall. • A brief, strong rush of wind. • A person evacuated from a place of danger. • Pellets of frozen rain that fall from the sky • A prolonged period of excessively hot weather. • Causing severe shock, distress, or destruction. • A slight earthquake or vibration in the ground. • A mass of earth or rock sliding down a mountain • ...
- Prolonged extreme heat
- Extended low rainfall period
- Rotating storm system
- Ground surface collapse
- Intense tropical storm
- Uncontrolled vegetation fire
- Freezing rain accumulation
- Severe snowstorm
- Violently rotating air column
- Mud and debris flow
- Sudden ground shaking
- Lightning, thunder, and rain
- Large ocean wave
- Rapid snow slope movement
- Downward rock and soil movement
- Mountain eruption with lava
- Precipitation of ice balls
- Wind-driven sand particles
- Excess water on land
19 Clues: Large ocean wave • Severe snowstorm • Mud and debris flow • Excess water on land • Sudden ground shaking • Rotating storm system • Prolonged extreme heat • Intense tropical storm • Ground surface collapse • Rapid snow slope movement • Precipitation of ice balls • Freezing rain accumulation • Wind-driven sand particles • Mountain eruption with lava • Lightning, thunder, and rain • ...
Natural Disasters 2019-09-03
- lack of rain
- burst of solar energy
- plates
- launches out of a volcano into the sky
- huge waves causing much destruction
- centre of an earthquake
- famous roman city
- movement of the tectonic plates cause these
- famous cyclone
- too much rain on can cause
- when a volcano erupts its called
- earthquake site in Australia
- chamber below a volcano
- snow slide
- MT.Vesuvius was a famous
- Yasi was a
- Tectonic
- Happens after an earthquake
- comes out of a volcano
19 Clues: plates • Tectonic • snow slide • Yasi was a • lack of rain • famous cyclone • famous roman city • burst of solar energy • comes out of a volcano • chamber below a volcano • centre of an earthquake • MT.Vesuvius was a famous • too much rain on can cause • Happens after an earthquake • earthquake site in Australia • when a volcano erupts its called • huge waves causing much destruction • ...
Natural Disasters 2013-02-20
- droughts affect more _______ than any other disaster
- a crack through layers of rock
- floods that happen very fast are called
- started by lightning or an earthquake
- concrete and stone to protect the coast from the sea
- used to describe a volcano that hasn't erupted for several hundred years
- a pattern of dry weather
- hot molten rock
- a electric spark from the clouds
- they can race across the _______ at 800 to 960 km/h
- bush fires are a constant threat in countries like this
- ______ are the most common disaster
- a Tornado over a lake or ocean is called a
- a storm of violent whirling winds
- it is a japanese word for long low sea wave
- a rotating storm that starts over the Atlantic ocean
- the thin hard layer of the earth
- a time when crops do not grow
- rock from inside the earth
19 Clues: hot molten rock • a pattern of dry weather • rock from inside the earth • a time when crops do not grow • a crack through layers of rock • a electric spark from the clouds • the thin hard layer of the earth • a storm of violent whirling winds • ______ are the most common disaster • started by lightning or an earthquake • floods that happen very fast are called • ...
Natural Disasters 2024-04-01
19 Clues: bouře • blesk • sucho • lavina • ztráta • příliv • chrlit • hurikán • tornádo • nedbalý • konat se • uvíznout • trpět čím • vnitrozemí • podchlazení • sesuv bahna • viditelnost • vylít se z břehů • být zodpovědný za
Natural Disasters 2014-07-27
- The Indian Ocean Tsunami occurred on ------ Day , 2004.
- The act of deliberately lighting a fire
- The North American term for tropical cyclones.
- The name of the plate on which Australia is located.
- Bushfires can be caused naturally by this.
- The Earth's surface is made up of -------- plates.
- El Nino events cause this natural disaster.
- Natural Disasters are often characterized by their -----.
- The crack created in the Earth's crust following an earthquake.
- A scientist who studies volcanoes
- Occurs after heavy rainfall.
- Australia's greatest natural disaster, Black --------.
- One of the most common natural disasters faced by Australians
- The name of the Hurricane to hit New Orleans in 2005.
- Occur when there is movement of rock, earth or debris down a slope.
- The name given to volcanoes located on the edge of the Pacific Ocean, Ring of ----.
- Our environment is full of natural -------.
- The part of the Earth's structure where humans live.
- The natural disaster created by an undersea earthquake
19 Clues: Occurs after heavy rainfall. • A scientist who studies volcanoes • The act of deliberately lighting a fire • Bushfires can be caused naturally by this. • Our environment is full of natural -------. • El Nino events cause this natural disaster. • The North American term for tropical cyclones. • The Earth's surface is made up of -------- plates. • ...
Natural disasters 2020-09-17
20 Clues: por • felhő • aszály • lavina • távoli • ütközni • ütközés • robbani • gátolni • éhínség • éhínség • fegyver • robbanás • pusztítás • megsérülni • megmenteni • károsítani • pusztítani • naprendszer • földcsuszamlás
Natural disasters 2021-02-26
19 Clues: голод • спасти • ураган • лавина • цунами • ранить • засуха • торнадо • оползень • повредить • наводнение • уничтожить • лесной пожар • землетрясение • смена климата • аномальная жара • служба спасения • болезнь (малярия) • извержение вулкана
Natural Disasters 2021-11-18
Natural disasters 2024-01-16
- extremely bad or serious
- to cause damage, disruption, or destruction.
- to save somebody/something from a dangerous or harmful situation
- food, money, medicine, etc. that is given to help people in places where there has been a war or natural disaster
- a violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle.
- a long period of time when there is little or no rain
- an occasion when a volcano suddenly throws out burning rocks, smoke, etc.
- not lasting or needed for very long; not pernament
- to fall down or fall in suddenly, often after breaking apart
- a person who continues to live, especially despite being nearly
- an extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea
- a violent tropical storm with very strong winds
- hurt or physically harmed
- correct, exact, and without any mistakes
- or experiencing great danger or difficulty
- an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage
- to move people from a place of danger to a safer place
- A place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger
- Pieces of wood, metal, building materials, etc. that are left after something has been destroyed
19 Clues: extremely bad or serious • hurt or physically harmed • correct, exact, and without any mistakes • or experiencing great danger or difficulty • to cause damage, disruption, or destruction. • a violent tropical storm with very strong winds • not lasting or needed for very long; not pernament • a long period of time when there is little or no rain • ...
Natural disasters 2024-01-16
- to fall down or fall in suddenly, often after breaking apart
- correct, exact, and without any mistakes
- or experiencing great danger or difficulty
- to save somebody/something from a dangerous or harmful situation
- Pieces of wood, metal, building materials, etc. that are left after something has been destroyed
- an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage
- to cause damage, disruption, or destruction.
- a violent tropical storm with very strong winds
- food, money, medicine, etc. that is given to help people in places where there has been a war or natural disaster
- an extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea
- a violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle.
- extremely bad or serious
- a person who continues to live, especially despite being nearly
- a long period of time when there is little or no rain
- not lasting or needed for very long; not pernament
- A place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger
- to move people from a place of danger to a safer place
- an occasion when a volcano suddenly throws out burning rocks, smoke, etc.
- hurt or physically harmed
19 Clues: extremely bad or serious • hurt or physically harmed • correct, exact, and without any mistakes • or experiencing great danger or difficulty • to cause damage, disruption, or destruction. • a violent tropical storm with very strong winds • not lasting or needed for very long; not pernament • a long period of time when there is little or no rain • ...
Natural Disasters 2022-03-22
- fuel for a non-electric car
- an item used to tune into weather reports
- the height of water at which a car can be taken away in a flood
- internal parts you must protect at all times
- what happens when two tectonic plates slip past one another
- a giant wave
- something like a tornado, but created above water
- a disaster caused by heavy rain
- a object that many civilians carry and can’t get their eyes away from
- a necessity in any kind of disaster that carries things used to treat wounds
- where you should store your valuables]
- a classification of hazards in nature
- something you shouldn’t open during a power outage to keep your food fresh
- an item in a disaster preparedness kit that produces light
- when warm and cold air are spun around by wind
- the recommended place to be in a tornado or hurricane
- the amount of water that can knock over the average american
- Food stored in metal cylinders that lasts a long time
18 Clues: a giant wave • fuel for a non-electric car • a disaster caused by heavy rain • a classification of hazards in nature • where you should store your valuables] • an item used to tune into weather reports • internal parts you must protect at all times • when warm and cold air are spun around by wind • something like a tornado, but created above water • ...
Natural disasters 2022-09-13
- storm in the desert
- storm with highspeed winds
- long temperature drop
- marine submergence
- snowslide
- volcanic activity
- swirling winds
- heavy period of rain (tropical countries)
- big waves after an earthquake
- snow storm
- winds and rain
- collapse of a piece of land
- no rain for a long time
- fire in a natural environment
- tropical strom (mostly in Japan)
- ground shaking
- temperature rise
- rising waters
18 Clues: snowslide • snow storm • rising waters • winds and rain • ground shaking • swirling winds • temperature rise • volcanic activity • marine submergence • storm in the desert • long temperature drop • no rain for a long time • storm with highspeed winds • collapse of a piece of land • big waves after an earthquake • fire in a natural environment • tropical strom (mostly in Japan) • ...
- A system of medical response and assistance during a disaster.
- Helping people and restoring communities after a disaster.
- The need to minimize harm and reduce vulnerability.
- A system used for early warnings about disasters.
- The process of working together for effective disaster management.
- The long-term changes to the environment due to natural hazards.
- The overall risk and potential impacts of a disaster.
- Adjusting to long-term environmental changes like climate change.
- A rapid response to a dangerous situation.
- The management of hazards and risks related to disasters.
- A potential source of danger during a disaster.
- A strategy to minimize risks.
- A natural event that causes damage and harm.
- The process of preparing for disasters in advance.
- The process of preventing the impact of disasters.
- A network for coordinating disaster response.
- Ensuring that there is enough food during a disaster.
- The ability to recover quickly from a disaster.
- A strategy of dealing with unexpected events.
- Moving people to safety during a disaster.
20 Clues: A strategy to minimize risks. • Moving people to safety during a disaster. • A rapid response to a dangerous situation. • A natural event that causes damage and harm. • A network for coordinating disaster response. • A strategy of dealing with unexpected events. • A potential source of danger during a disaster. • The ability to recover quickly from a disaster. • ...
Natural Disasters 2020-04-08
- The sound that follows a flash of lightning (7)
- A large amount of water covering an area of land that is usually dry (5)
- Like a cloud but quite close to the ground (3)
- A long period of unusually hot weather (8)
- A terrible event in nature that results in death and destruction (15)
- A shaking of the Earth's surface that causes great damage (10)
- A large destructive storm with powerful spinning winds (9)
- A severe snowstorm that lasts a long time (8)
- When many people do not have enough to eat (6)
- A long period of time with little or no rain (7)
- A violent and destructive storm in which powerful winds move around a central point (7)
- A large mass of mud that slides down a mountain (8)
- The flashes of light in the sky during a storm (9)
- Snow or rocks or earth sliding down a mountain (9)
- A large, destructive wave caused by an underwater earthquake (7)
- A smaller earthquake that occurs after the first, main one (10)
- Heavy rain, strong winds, thunder and lightning (5)
- A measurement of how hot or cold something is (11)
18 Clues: A long period of unusually hot weather (8) • A severe snowstorm that lasts a long time (8) • Like a cloud but quite close to the ground (3) • When many people do not have enough to eat (6) • The sound that follows a flash of lightning (7) • A long period of time with little or no rain (7) • The flashes of light in the sky during a storm (9) • ...
Natural Disasters 2021-10-06
- A high sea wave caused by an earthquake or landslide
- which forms over tropical or subtropical waters
- movement of rock, debris, or earth
- a rapidly rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. Wind speeds can read 400 kilometers(km) per hour or more.
- thunderstorms, downbursts, tornadoes, waterspouts, tropical cyclones, extratropical cyclones
- A natural event such as a flood,
- Orbits the earth and gives information
- the weather.
- A type of storm, also called a tropical
- Large piece of ice that can move large
- or hurricane that causes great damage
- An overflow of water on land which is usually dry. This can be caused by a tsunami, large storm or failure of a dam or levee
- An opening in the earth’s crust through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape
- a slope due to gravity
- of earth as they move
- a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements
- The movement of rocks and sediments by wind, ice, water and gravity
- the earth’s crust or volcanic action.
18 Clues: the weather. • of earth as they move • a slope due to gravity • A natural event such as a flood, • movement of rock, debris, or earth • or hurricane that causes great damage • the earth’s crust or volcanic action. • Large piece of ice that can move large • Orbits the earth and gives information • A type of storm, also called a tropical • ...
- the expulsion of gases, rock fragments, and/or molten lava from within the Earth through a vent onto the Earth's surface or into the atmosphere.
- a violent tropical storm having wind speeds
- storm of strong winds and dust-filled air
- a quick-flowing, violent stream of water.
- a storm with dry, driving snow, strong winds, and intense cold.
- a period of very warm weather
- a very strong wind
- a long period of dry weather
- a violently destructive windstorm occurring over local areas of land, having a long, funnel-shaped cloud that extends to the ground.
- vibrations in the earth's crust causing the ground to shake
- a large fire that spreads rapidly and is hard to put out.
- falling or sliding of a mass of soil or rock on or from a steep slope.
- an unusually large sea wave produced by a seaquake or volcanic eruption under water.
- a sudden and destructive rush of water down a narrow gully or over a sloping surface, caused by heavy rainfall.
- a large mass of snow, ice, etc., that comes loose from a mountain slope and slides or falls suddenly downward.
- heavy rain
- an occurrence of a disease affecting many individuals and spreading from person to person quickly.
- a shower or storm of pellets of ice
18 Clues: heavy rain • a very strong wind • a long period of dry weather • a period of very warm weather • a shower or storm of pellets of ice • storm of strong winds and dust-filled air • a quick-flowing, violent stream of water. • a violent tropical storm having wind speeds • a large fire that spreads rapidly and is hard to put out. • ...
Natural Disasters 2016-12-01
- helps you in the dark
- a beautiful arch made of pretty colors
- lots of snow is falling, but you shouldn’t go outside and eat the snow.
- happens in the morning
- you can listen to it
- happens in the desert sometimes
- a part of a mountain falls down
- _______ food is good to have in a storm
- Strong winds from the ocean (In China)
- A mountain that blows up
- the floor and the building move
- when there’s too much water
- lots of strong wind comes from the ocean (in USA)
- Something you eat
- a big wave from the ocean
- when the sun’s light is blocked
- strong winds that can throw cars and cows
- happens in the evening
18 Clues: Something you eat • you can listen to it • helps you in the dark • happens in the morning • happens in the evening • A mountain that blows up • a big wave from the ocean • when there’s too much water • the floor and the building move • when the sun’s light is blocked • happens in the desert sometimes • a part of a mountain falls down • a beautiful arch made of pretty colors • ...
Natural disasters 2022-09-13
- winds and rain
- storm with highspeed winds
- long temperature drop
- storm in the desert
- snowslide
- marine submergence
- collapse of a piece of land
- fire in a natural environment
- big waves after an earthquake
- swirling winds
- heavy period of rain (tropical countries)
- no rain for a long time
- temperature rise
- snow storm
- tropical strom (mostly in Japan)
- ground shaking
- volcanic activity
- rising waters
18 Clues: snowslide • snow storm • rising waters • winds and rain • ground shaking • swirling winds • temperature rise • volcanic activity • marine submergence • storm in the desert • long temperature drop • no rain for a long time • storm with highspeed winds • collapse of a piece of land • fire in a natural environment • big waves after an earthquake • tropical strom (mostly in Japan) • ...
- The artist who painted a giant wave.
- This can happen in a forest if the temperature gets too hot.
- A severe lack of water.
- An enormous harbor wave.
- A very scary weather event with the fastest winds on Earth. Earth.
- A type of climate that is very far from the equator.
- What you need to do before a natural disaster arrives.
- A country that gets many earthquakes beginning
- A type of climate that is very close to the equator.
- When snow comes tumbling quickly down a
- Heavy snow and wind, very very cold.
- When there is too much water all over the land.
- Tectonic plates meet at a plate...
- A mountain from where lava can escape at the top
- When people are poor and have no food, they are in...
- During a famine, not many of these things can grow.
- Caused when two tectonic plates move very
- An imaginary line that goes around the Earth.
18 Clues: A severe lack of water. • An enormous harbor wave. • Tectonic plates meet at a plate... • Heavy snow and wind, very very cold. • The artist who painted a giant wave. • When snow comes tumbling quickly down a • Caused when two tectonic plates move very • An imaginary line that goes around the Earth. • A country that gets many earthquakes beginning • ...
Natural disasters 2022-12-09
Natural disasters 2012-10-07
17 Clues: hot • rain • lava • hungry • big wave • no water • bush _____ • from space • snow storm • grass _____ • forest _____ • lots of water • spinning storm • spinning clouds • moves the ground • Shakes the ground • landslide of snow
Natural Disasters 2013-02-18
- Anceint animales traped in a hard rock.
- Little pices of objects.
- A mountain of hot magma and rock.
- The air around the earth
- A powerful force that causes ..........
- Likely to kill someone.
- An opparating volcano is ......
- A red and black liquid that comes out of a volcano.
- A hot weather with no rain.
- A cloud of powdery ...
- Likely to harm someone or something.
- A violent shaking of the earth.
- the dinosaurs are .......
- A lot of rain makes a .....
- Soft earth running down a hill or volcano.
- Packs a ........ punch.
- Rock in the Earth
17 Clues: Rock in the Earth • A cloud of powdery ... • Packs a ........ punch. • Likely to kill someone. • Little pices of objects. • The air around the earth • the dinosaurs are ....... • A hot weather with no rain. • A lot of rain makes a ..... • A violent shaking of the earth. • An opparating volcano is ...... • A mountain of hot magma and rock. • Likely to harm someone or something. • ...
Natural Disasters 2022-06-15
- Snow cascade
- fiery and liquid
- worse than a tsunami and hurricane
- very hot light
- gushing liquid
- like a flood but a wave
- Snow storm
- Differenced and strange
- wind or gust
- hard ice storm
- a party but make it dangerous
- the size of
- wind like a tornado
- lots of water
- measuring something
- like a hurricane
- long lasting dryness
17 Clues: Snow storm • the size of • Snow cascade • wind or gust • lots of water • very hot light • gushing liquid • hard ice storm • fiery and liquid • like a hurricane • wind like a tornado • measuring something • long lasting dryness • like a flood but a wave • Differenced and strange • a party but make it dangerous • worse than a tsunami and hurricane
Natural Disasters 2023-07-25
- a storm of very strong winds that form a cone.
- someone who is hurt, injured, or killed by a person, group, or event.
- to run away or escape.
- a long period with little or no rain.
- a shaking of part of the earth's surface.
- a fire burning in an area of land with many trees.
- When this erupts, smoke and lava come out.
- You can find this in space.
- the fire started in a campsite but it quickly ________ to the forest.
- a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry, usually after heavy rain.
- to leave a place for safety reasons.
- to continue to live after being in great danger.
- an escape of oil into the sea.
- a very large, destructive sea wave.
- a violent wind that has a circular movement.
- the falling of earth and rocks down a steep slope.
- to free or save people in danger.
17 Clues: to run away or escape. • You can find this in space. • an escape of oil into the sea. • to free or save people in danger. • a very large, destructive sea wave. • to leave a place for safety reasons. • a long period with little or no rain. • a shaking of part of the earth's surface. • When this erupts, smoke and lava come out. • a violent wind that has a circular movement. • ...
natural disasters 2024-02-22
- a quick volume expansion associated with an exceptionally violent outward release of energy, typically accompanied by the development of high temperatures and the emission of high-pressure gases.
- a type of solid precipitation
- numerous types of mass wasting that can encompass a wide range of ground motions.
- shaking of the Earth’s surface caused by a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s lithosphere
- a powerful ground-level wind system that originates from an above-ground point source and blows radially
- a cenote, swallet, swallow hole, or doline, is a depression or hole in the ground created by surface layer collapse.
- a type of storm distinguished by the presence of lightning and its acoustic effect on the Earth’s atmosphere, known as thunder.
- a powerful columnar vortex that forms over a body of water.
- an outpouring of water that submerges ordinarily dry ground.
- a unusual sort of natural disaster in which dissolved carbon dioxide erupts unexpectedly from deep lake waters, generating a gas cloud capable of drowning wildlife, cattle, and humans.
- a fast-moving flow of snow down a slope, such as a hill or a mountain.
- a widespread, long-lasting straight-line windstorm associated with a fast-moving cluster of severe thunderstorms
- line of thunderstorms that forms along or ahead of a cold front. It includes heavy rain, hail, frequent lightning, strong straight-line winds.
- a blaze that becomes so large that it generates and supports its wind system.
- a severe snowstorm with sustained winds of at least 56 km/h that lasts for an extended time—typically three hours or more.
- a period of chronic deficits in water supply, whether from the atmosphere, surface water, or subsurface water.
- a violently rotating column of air that collides with the Earth’s surface
17 Clues: a type of solid precipitation • a powerful columnar vortex that forms over a body of water. • an outpouring of water that submerges ordinarily dry ground. • a fast-moving flow of snow down a slope, such as a hill or a mountain. • a violently rotating column of air that collides with the Earth’s surface • ...
Natural Disasters 2023-04-12
- huge long ocean waves triggered by earthquakes
- a mountain that has an opening in the land where gas/lava/ash is pushed out
- leaving
- a long period of low rainfall leading to a shortage of water
- a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
- a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility
- a violently rotating column of air touching the ground
- winds that are rotating inwards to an area of low barometric pressure
- a tropical storm with winds that have reached a constant speed of 74 mph
- a tropical storm in the Indian or Western Pacific oceans with a wind speed of 34 knots
- a shift in winds that often causes a very rainy season or very dry season
- storm with very strong winds and little to no rain
- a sudden shaking of the ground as a result tectonic plates slipping
- the sliding of earth and rock down a mountain or cliff
- a storm accompanied by ice(chunks of hail) that fall from the sky
- an uncontrolled fire that burns often in rural areas
- a overflow of water on dry land
17 Clues: leaving • a overflow of water on dry land • huge long ocean waves triggered by earthquakes • storm with very strong winds and little to no rain • an uncontrolled fire that burns often in rural areas • a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility • the sliding of earth and rock down a mountain or cliff • a violently rotating column of air touching the ground • ...
Natural Disasters 2024-11-11
- A sudden shaking of the ground
- A storm with freezing rain
- A hole that opens up in the ground
- A storm with thunder and lightning
- A funnel-shaped storm with strong winds
- An overflow of water onto land
- A large, destructive fire in a forest or grassland
- A powerful storm with strong winds
- A large-scale air mass that rotates around a strong center
- A large sea wave caused by an earthquake
- A large mass of snow falling down a mountain
- A strong wind that carries sand
- A period of extremely hot weather
- A slide of a large mass of dirt and rock
- A long period without rain
- Eruption The release of magma from a volcano
- A severe snowstorm with high winds
17 Clues: A storm with freezing rain • A long period without rain • A sudden shaking of the ground • An overflow of water onto land • A strong wind that carries sand • A period of extremely hot weather • A hole that opens up in the ground • A storm with thunder and lightning • A severe snowstorm with high winds • A powerful storm with strong winds • ...
Natural Disasters 2022-05-02
- servere winter storm
- large mass of snow in swift motions down a mountain
- a large wave caused by an ocean-floor
- a long period of time where there is no rain
- when the land starts to sink into the ground
- when a volcano erupts
- to save lives
- violent rotating column of air
- period of an unusually and excessively hot weather
- to collect money to help the people who suffered a natural disaster
- a series of ground vibrations
- storm with violent wind
- a situation in which there is an extreme scarity in food
- to get the people out of the danger zone
- overflowing of water on land
- the opposite of life
- hot liquid exiting a mountain opening
17 Clues: to save lives • servere winter storm • the opposite of life • when a volcano erupts • storm with violent wind • overflowing of water on land • a series of ground vibrations • violent rotating column of air • a large wave caused by an ocean-floor • hot liquid exiting a mountain opening • to get the people out of the danger zone • a long period of time where there is no rain • ...
Natural Disasters 2023-05-04
- the many ways Earth is constantly modifying itself
- a pacific ocean path characterized by active volcanoes & earthquakes
- an overflow of water onto normally dry land
- hazards or threats that happen on Earth from the inside of Earth
- a country's or state's ability to bounce back from natural disasters
- a flood caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time
- a technological system used to inform many people about an oncoming danger or potential threat
- a violent rotating column of air touching the ground, usually attached to the base of a thunderstorm
- threat or hazard from an interaction in the ocean & the land or both at the same time
- all types of severe weather, potentially posing a threat to human health & safety
- environmental phenomenon that have the potential to impact societies & the human environment
- a tropical storm with winds at a speed of 75 mph
- short bursts of high-speed winds, gusts, or long periods of wind
- an unplanned fire that burns in a natural area
- a powerful circular current or vortex of water
- a long period of abnormally dry weather & lack of water
- a violent & abrupt shaking of the ground, cause by movement between tectonic plates along a fault line
17 Clues: an overflow of water onto normally dry land • an unplanned fire that burns in a natural area • a powerful circular current or vortex of water • a tropical storm with winds at a speed of 75 mph • the many ways Earth is constantly modifying itself • a long period of abnormally dry weather & lack of water • ...
natural disasters 2023-05-04
- the many ways Earth is constantly modifying itself
- a pacific ocean path characterized by active volcanoes & earthquakes
- an overflow of water onto normally dry land
- hazards or threats that happen on Earth from the inside of Earth
- a country's or state's ability to bounce back from natural disasters
- a flood caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time
- a technological system used to inform many people about an oncoming danger or potential threat
- a violent rotating column of air touching the ground, usually attached to the base of a thunderstorm
- threat or hazard from an interaction in the ocean & the land or both at the same time
- all types of severe weather, potentially posing a threat to human health & safety
- environmental phenomenon that have the potential to impact societies & the human environment
- a tropical storm with winds at a speed of 75 mph
- short bursts of high-speed winds, gusts, or long periods of wind
- an unplanned fire that burns in a natural area
- a powerful circular current or vortex of water
- a long period of abnormally dry weather & lack of water
- a violent & abrupt shaking of the ground, cause by movement between tectonic plates along a fault line
17 Clues: an overflow of water onto normally dry land • an unplanned fire that burns in a natural area • a powerful circular current or vortex of water • a tropical storm with winds at a speed of 75 mph • the many ways Earth is constantly modifying itself • a long period of abnormally dry weather & lack of water • ...
- indicative of a storm (WEATHER)
- low temperature (WEATHER)
- bright with sunlight (WEATHER)
- overflow of a large amount of water
- movement of a mass of rock
- a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
- having or characterized by considerable rainfall(WEATHER)
- exposed to strong winds (WEATHER)
- shaking of the ground
- filled with fog (WAETHER)
- uncontrolled fire in the forest
- high temperature (WEATHER)
- when gas and/or lava are released from a volcano
- full of clouds (WEATHER)
- covered with snow (WAETHER)
- violently rotating column of air
- high temperature comfortably (WEATHER)
17 Clues: shaking of the ground • full of clouds (WEATHER) • low temperature (WEATHER) • filled with fog (WAETHER) • high temperature (WEATHER) • movement of a mass of rock • covered with snow (WAETHER) • bright with sunlight (WEATHER) • uncontrolled fire in the forest • indicative of a storm (WEATHER) • violently rotating column of air • exposed to strong winds (WEATHER) • ...
Natural disasters 2024-04-23
17 Clues: town • when • wall • blesk • jezero • lavina • zavřít • křičet • erupce • tsunami • hurikán • záplava • směrem k • přehrada • prasklina • zemětřesení • zatímco,během
Natural Disasters 2021-04-22
- When a rising body of water submerges normally dry land.
- When an epidemic spreads over a larger area.
- An eruption in which molten rock spews out from the mantle to the surface of Earth as ash, lava, or gas.
- A small, rocky body that falls through the earth's atmosphere and hits the ground.
- A major geologic event that occurs when plates shift suddenly and release stored energy.
- A sudden rapidly spreading outbreak, growth, or disease that infects a large number of people in a specific area.
- The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
- A giant wave that crashes into land, often formed by an undersea earthquake.
- How many main classifications of natural disasters exist.
- A spinning column of air that has strong wind speed.
- They form over water but often move onto land, scientists classify them by their wind speed and the amount of damage they cause.
- An eruption of solar radiation that can damage electronics on Earth.
- A region with specific weather conditions that persist over long stretches of time.
- A prediction or estimate of future events.
- The remains of something broken down or destroyed.
- A small, rocky body in space that travels around the sun.
- The dying off of an entire species on our planet.
17 Clues: A prediction or estimate of future events. • When an epidemic spreads over a larger area. • The dying off of an entire species on our planet. • The remains of something broken down or destroyed. • A spinning column of air that has strong wind speed. • When a rising body of water submerges normally dry land. • A small, rocky body in space that travels around the sun. • ...
Natural Disasters 2021-04-22
- When a rising body of water submerges normally dry land.
- When an epidemic spreads over a larger area.
- An eruption in which molten rock spews out from the mantle to the surface of Earth as ash, lava, or gas.
- A small, rocky body that falls through the earth's atmosphere and hits the ground.
- A major geologic event that occurs when plates shift suddenly and release stored energy.
- A sudden rapidly spreading outbreak, growth, or disease that infects a large number of people in a specific area.
- The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
- A giant wave that crashes into land, often formed by an undersea earthquake.
- How many main classifications of natural disasters exist.
- A spinning column of air that has strong wind speed.
- They form over water but often move onto land, scientists classify them by their wind speed and the amount of damage they cause.
- An eruption of solar radiation that can damage electronics on Earth.
- A region with specific weather conditions that persist over long stretches of time.
- A prediction or estimate of future events.
- The remains of something broken down or destroyed.
- A small, rocky body in space that travels around the sun.
- The dying off of an entire species on our planet.
17 Clues: A prediction or estimate of future events. • When an epidemic spreads over a larger area. • The dying off of an entire species on our planet. • The remains of something broken down or destroyed. • A spinning column of air that has strong wind speed. • When a rising body of water submerges normally dry land. • A small, rocky body in space that travels around the sun. • ...
Natural Disasters 2024-08-21
- A storm with thunder and lightning
- A large sea wave caused by an earthquake
- A slide of a large mass of dirt and rock
- The release of magma from a volcano
- A funnel-shaped storm with strong winds
- A large-scale air mass that rotates around a strong center
- A long period without rain
- A large mass of snow falling down a mountain
- A hole that opens up in the ground
- A powerful storm with strong winds
- Storm A storm with freezing rain
- A large, destructive fire in a forest or grassland
- A strong wind that carries sand
- A severe snowstorm with high winds
- A period of extremely hot weather
- An overflow of water onto land
- A sudden shaking of the ground
17 Clues: A long period without rain • An overflow of water onto land • A sudden shaking of the ground • A strong wind that carries sand • Storm A storm with freezing rain • A period of extremely hot weather • A hole that opens up in the ground • A powerful storm with strong winds • A storm with thunder and lightning • A severe snowstorm with high winds • ...
Disaster and Hazards 2022-11-12
- include traumatic injuries, emotional
- When the President declares a state of__,
- Disasters cannot be managed through
- is expressed as a function of hazard,
- Disasters often result from the failure
- It is an event such as tsunami, typhoon,
- becomes a disaster only if it hits
- if there is no hazard, then the risk is
- A Hazard poses__ to people
- Often, people consider the risks
- Philippines hosts frequent earthquakes
- People turn__as they are comforted by the
- Disasters create__beyond the capacity
- A natural event can be likened to a
- Relocating means giving up their homes,
- During the initial stages of a disaster,
- the act of keeping people and property
- refers to factors, such as physical,
- large segment of the population consists
- Disasters are inherently unexpected or
20 Clues: A Hazard poses__ to people • Often, people consider the risks • becomes a disaster only if it hits • A natural event can be likened to a • Disasters cannot be managed through • refers to factors, such as physical, • include traumatic injuries, emotional • Disasters create__beyond the capacity • is expressed as a function of hazard, • Philippines hosts frequent earthquakes • ...
Natural disasters 2012-10-07
- A big spinning thing
- Rocks falling down a mountain
- American word for cyclone
- To measure a tornado with
- Moving air
- 60 minutes warning
- What shoots out of a mountain
- When there's lots of water
- What do disasters do
- Cyclones measured with
- What slides down mountains when it been snowing
- A big wave
- It burns in the outback
- When something is not safe
- When people die
- What people drink
16 Clues: A big wave • Moving air • When people die • What people drink • 60 minutes warning • What do disasters do • A big spinning thing • Cyclones measured with • It burns in the outback • To measure a tornado with • When there's lots of water • American word for cyclone • When something is not safe • What shoots out of a mountain • Rocks falling down a mountain • ...
Natural Disasters 2012-10-07
- scale what earthquakes are measured by
- Earthquakes happen on " " lines
- " " plates make up the earth
- also known as a twister
- A long line of volcanoes
- big fires
- When a mass of land falls
- Lack of water
- when lava cools it is " "
- this causes thunder
- caused by underwater volcanoes
- What tornadoes are measured with
- This country has the most volcanoes in the world
- Another word for landslide
- A big rock
- Heavy rainfall causes this
16 Clues: big fires • A big rock • Lack of water • this causes thunder • also known as a twister • A long line of volcanoes • When a mass of land falls • Another word for landslide • Heavy rainfall causes this • when lava cools it is " " • " " plates make up the earth • caused by underwater volcanoes • What tornadoes are measured with • Earthquakes happen on " " lines • ...
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